Tuesday 14 December 2010


i've meda a lot of changes as you can possibly see from the last one. let me know if you think i need to make any changes :)

Monday 29 November 2010

nearly finished

i have nearly finished everything practically. I have finished my film magazine front cover, and i want to edit one last thing on my film just to make it more realistic as i think the writing is a little too smudged. And to my trailer all i need to do is add music :) then i am all sorted :)

Friday 5 November 2010

remember remember the 5th of november.

Yesterday i completely finished all filming! i also took photo's for poster. manly made of close ups on the face as they are more dramatic. My trailer is now missing music, which isn't to much of a worry for the moment.  I have had  advice saying to have a quick flash or a scream noise at the begining of the trailer so people know straight away what it is. And i do agree. Because my trailer starts all colourful and joyful and need the audience to feel intense waiting for something to happen.
everything is going brilliant :)

Thursday 4 November 2010

4thNov. back into action

Right i am again recording some more stuff after school today, i am re shoting odd bits and also shoting the bits i missed before, such as the outside stuff with the couple walking along. This should be my final part of recording, and it will be my last bit of editing.
I have already started editing, i'm having trouble looking for the right sort of music without copyrighting it. But i have started getting help with editing with a friend who also does media, and can help use the i mac better.
i think within the most my film trailer will be done in two week.
I shall also be starting my own film poster. i want to take a number of different pictures so i have a range to choose from for my poster. one idea is just a long shot of the set which gives a creepy atmosphere. And another idea is a close up of the female characters beaten face from the side.
I am still happy with everything i am doing on my own :) its perfect :)

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Camera's Rolling 21stOct.

Right so i started filming last thursday, it went extremely well, i changed a few shots and some of the lighting to suit what i thought a better trailer. I chnaged the lighting on the shot where Jenna is tied to the chair, instead of using normal lights, i used a torch, it gave a more dramatic effect. Now i didn't finish all of my film due to the fact people having to leave early, and i couldn't do the outside shots because it was raining, and i need to shot on a non raining day.
i have started editing part of my trailer, and i've already realised i either have to reshot some shots, or change my editing effect. Such as i wanted the some shots to have a fast zoom, to make it more dramatic, but on some of the shots, it doesn't look right. Also i have noticed at tims my lighting is a bit to bright, so i may need to re-shot the brighter bits.
At this moment in time, i now feel a lot more confident with my filming and work altogether.

Thursday 21 October 2010

The Room Mate

A new film called 'The Roommate' is about a college student, Sara who finds her safety jeopardized after she's assigned to a dorm room with a new roommate, Rebecca.
The trailer is eye catching, and tricking. Because it starts with happy music, stating facts about college and students in america, showing a friendship between two new people. the editing of the writing is white from the corner and then goes to blue with white writing. Blue is a connatation of a calm colour, and with the teenage beating music. But then it suddenly just completely changes.
The lighting of the second half is very dark and dim, music has changes. And they use a lot more close ups, and flash images. There is a lot more silent pauses, which is the broken by booming music or a scream from the terrified character. 
i think that the trailer does give off a lot of information, from what i watch i pretty much now the storyline. And what the characters characterics are. And the trailer is rather long, 2 mins.21 secs.
The poster that is being used is the bottom corner of a door, with a bright light shining through. I think this is supposed to show that people don't know whats going on behind closed doors. Also because it is dark and there is a bright light shining through, it is showing that it is a horror.
this will be a successful film as teenagers who will be off to uni, will find it intresting and different.