Tuesday 26 October 2010

Camera's Rolling 21stOct.

Right so i started filming last thursday, it went extremely well, i changed a few shots and some of the lighting to suit what i thought a better trailer. I chnaged the lighting on the shot where Jenna is tied to the chair, instead of using normal lights, i used a torch, it gave a more dramatic effect. Now i didn't finish all of my film due to the fact people having to leave early, and i couldn't do the outside shots because it was raining, and i need to shot on a non raining day.
i have started editing part of my trailer, and i've already realised i either have to reshot some shots, or change my editing effect. Such as i wanted the some shots to have a fast zoom, to make it more dramatic, but on some of the shots, it doesn't look right. Also i have noticed at tims my lighting is a bit to bright, so i may need to re-shot the brighter bits.
At this moment in time, i now feel a lot more confident with my filming and work altogether.

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