Movie Posters: The Messengers

At the top of the film poster of the messengers we have 3 actors names. This is one way that the film will sell as the audience like to watch films that have actors that recognise.
Also by having famous actors and actresses it shows the film wasn’t a low budget film and for that it will actually be interesting.

This part of the picture is more forward then the rest. By this I mean the house seems very distant from these two people. Showing that maybe the house in the picture is something that needs to be stayed away.
The girl Kirsten Stewart is one of the actresses. Having her in the poster will bring the teenage audience in. The expression on her face is also showing us that she scared, which make us, the audience wondering what is so frightening.
Also the little boy at the front pointing towards the audience is rather unsettling, as it is almost as if he is pointing at you. A young child in horror always freaks the audience out as children are known for being sweet children just to play with toys. Not getting involved with ghosts.

The colours of the picture as a whole (excluding the 2 people) is very hell like. The colour red shows sign of danger and blood. And black shows death. With most of the house shadowed with black, specially the door way, shows that maybe the house shouldn’t be entered. That it is place of darkness and destruction.
Crows are known to be a omen of death, so having these surrounding the house may show a sign of unluckiness.
The bright light from one window may show that all the fear is in one room.

The title is written in white which will make it stand out from the rest of the picture which the main colours are red, orange and black. The colour white is also seen as the colour of safety, which is an opposite the rest of the picture.

The tag line  is a retorical question whuch will pull people in as it will seem very suspicious  as to why people don’t believe that characters.