3 horror trailers

The Expendables

lighting- at this is an action film, the lighting is going to be different throught out. In a horror usally its dark low key lighting, and if its a comedy or rom com film the lighting is usally high key and bright. For the first at least 50 seconds of this film, most of the shots are at night or in a ware house so the lighting is dark, everyone has half a shadowed faced, very intense and dramatic. The part that are show in the day are very high key, the colours seem to glow more, and it seems a lot more obviouse because of how low key the first part of trailer is.

Paul Blart Mall Cop.
Sound- as this is a comedy film, the main diagetic sound is going to be the script/dialogue. This is to get the audience member attention and also to show off there main funny parts.
the tariler beggings with series action type music, with a voice over of a man talking. when the camera pans across fast to the main actor, a sound is made to make it seem more action like. Music is still being played and a differerent more friendly voice talks to the audience, this is again to get the attention of the audience to make them feel like it is actually aimed at them. for a moment we only hear dialogue this is so we just pay attention to how funny it is. Near the end of the trailer the music changes, to the song living on a prayer.

Let me in

Camera- the camering starts with a long shot of a hall full of people with 8 people on stage.
 Its cuts to a boys face, as we are sat 2 seats away from him. This is to make it seem like we are involved. There is then a mid shot of 2 men talking, we do not hear what they say as the non-diagetic sound of music is playing over with another non diagetic sound of a voice over. For the next 3 shot, the quick fade into each other. They start to fade on a certain note in the music. This is so we can see each frame for at least 3-4 seconds. When the first set of graphics fades in, the music starts to change and has more of a beat. This adds tensions. The text slowly zooms in to the text so we pay more attention to the writing. 18 seconds into the trailer we see a birds eye view.of a boy lying in his bed with his ear against the wall. it cuts to an extreme close up on his eyes. This is so we can see how scared he is by how his eyes widen. There is then a extremely quick flicker of a close up of a man face which then cuts the some more text which is slowly zooming in. The Graphics of the writing is always the same, so that we know it?s the same trailer. 35 seconds in there is a long shot of a tunnel, it cuts to a mid shot of a man walking in the tunnel, the lighting is very low key, because it is a night but also it makes things seem scarier.